A Belly Dancer by Dilantha Gunawardana

On the dance floor is a voluptuous lass

With generous curves in perfect hour glass

Coated in ivory skin with a pellicle of sunstroke

Stealing the gorging eyes of the ecstatic folk

With sensuous lips covered in an intricate veil

Flushed of voluminous desire yearning to hail

Sweet sounds serenade her articulate curves

As the orgasmic sweat dances and verves

She the epitome of an incarnate Sheba

Gushing with fervor shimmering from afar

As the winds sail past her glorious vessel

Her luscious hips rapture in a delicate tussle

Gliding in the wind like a voluptuous sylph

In a febrile jiggle veiled in an embroidery of silk

Finally the music arrests with the roar of palms

Applauding a seductress oozing with charms

As concludes an episode of a goddess on her favorite terrain

Yet her mysticism lingers on in the shrouded depths of man

Dilantha Gunawardana

Image: "Raqs Shari ~ Bellydance Goddess" by Emily Balivet.