After A Show

Post-show emotions are a strange thing. On one hand you are happy it's over and on the other, you want to do it again. I sit in the that space after every show and most performances (there are those completely dead ones that you really don't want a repeat of).

I always tell my new students one of my advanced lady's story. When she was a beginner she was given the opportunity to dance in our end of year show. She was reluctant, but went ahead as it was just 1 dance with the whole studio. She vowed it would be just 1 time and never again. The very next opportunity to dance for an audience (3 months later), she was there dancing on stage with us. This year she joined the performance class and we've slowly been introducing her to the world of performing.

This story is echoed year after year, as beginners brave the stage and then get bitten by the bug. Not all want to join the performance troupe, but they want to dance at our studio events.

That euphoric high after a show does fade, but the enthusiasm doesn't. I expect that all the dancers who danced in our show will be dancing at our next one, and with more excitement than before.

I feel the high in my spirit, but my body needs a break. I've over worked my knees in the last few months and they are on strike now. Everything from the hips up still wants to move but my legs have packed up for the holiday. I just did Melanie's shimmy class and ... yeah, my knees (and left foot) told me off. I always feel a release of energy after a big show (or exam) and I either get sick, or I get sore or stiff.

Before the show was over, I had already started planning the next one in my head. I had to keep stopping myself from losing focus. Now that it's over, I can start planning properly.