Day 16 of the Belly Dance Challenge

Day 16: My Belly Dance BFF/s

I have a close group of belly dance BFFs. We are friends outside of the art form too.

I don't have a photo with all of us together, so I'll have to do multiple.

My "inner circle" members are Melanie, Termare and Karla. Joining the circle now are Ruthie and Melissa (pretty sure our trip to East London in May will cement things in).

Wings (not that you can see their faces): Termare, Melanie

Veils (not that you can see the veils): Ruthie, Karla

Sword (not that you can see that either): Me

We took this photo on our way to Purple Belly Bus last year. We sent the picture to Ruthie as part as an in-house joke. We had told her the night before we would be having a Threesome in the car.

Melanie, Termare, Me

My current "inner circle". Taken at the V&A Waterfront, Cape Town.

Karla, Me, Termare, Mel

My biggest BFF is Melanie of course. We are such different people but we are tight.

TODF2016 Hafla.

P.S. Whenever we take selfies or group photos, we usually do one (or the first few) with nice smiles and then another (bunch) with silly faces.