Male Belly Dancers

I've seen and heard of many women and men showing displeasure, even disgust, at the idea of male belly dancers. I heard their thoughts. They say it's too feminine for men, it doesn't look right, they are encroaching on women's territory and - my personal "favourite" - it's gay.

Let's deal with the first part. "It's too feminine for men". The idea of what is feminine and masculine, as well as who should be feminine or masculine, is being challenged in today's society. It used to be considered too masculine for women to be in business, go to war and even wear high heels. Now we have high powered business women, lady soldiers jetting off to war and high heels are considered a woman's shoe. The idea of the masculine and feminine is a societal construct. It's dynamic. It's constantly being adapted as society changes.

Let's also not forget that what is considered feminine and masculine is different in each culture. In some cultures to dance is manly.

Next: "It doesn't look right". Perhaps you should look at the dancer and not the dancer's sex/gender. Appreciate the art, the beauty of the dance and the way the dancer expresses the music. Don't allow your preconceived notions of what is male and what is female to spoil your experience. It's the same as saying that women using a wrench "doesn't look right".

"They are encroaching on women's territory". If women demand the lines of male and female roles to be blurred (even eliminated), and the understanding of masculinity and femininity to be challenged in the name of equality, then we have to expect for men to expand into what was considered "ours". There are many stay at home dads nowadays, taking on traditionally female roles. The same goes for belly dancing. If we want belly dance to not discriminate - then don't discriminate. It's not only about female bodies. It's about men's too.

And then the cruncher ... "It's gay".

I don't even know where to start on this one. There's just so much wrong with this statement. Firstly, being gay is not bad. Stop using it as a derogatory term.

Secondly, there is no correlation between being effeminate and homosexuality. Not all male belly dancers are effeminate either. Even if they are, it's their style - their personality. It's not a clue as to their sexuality.

Dancing in general is not a "gay thing". You look at a hip hop dancer and he looks masculine, but a male ballet dancer is seen as feminine. I can tell you that they are both very strong and work hard, both require hours of hard work and dedication ... neither dance form is a determiner of sexuality. Yes, there are homosexuals in belly dance, both male and female. There are also in sports, government, business, churches ...

Basically, I'm saying "get over it".

Let's shed the preconceived ideas of masculine and feminine, and enjoy watching and learning from each other.

Please share with me your favourite male belly dancer. I'd love to learn more and help educate others.

Here are some videos of different male belly dancers: