Preparing For A Show -part 4

Our show is in 3 weeks time and we are in practice mode. It's all those little finishing touches that need to be done. Making sure everyone's arms are together, lines are straight and there are smiles on faces.
This is where I get quite serious.
It is important to attend classes regularly through out the year. If you have class once a week, you should be at that class once a week. When you miss class, you are missing valuable practice time. Your technique will fall behind and you won't know the choreography, if there is one being taught in that class. You cannot expect to be allowed to dance in a show if you haven't been attending classes or practises regularly.
As you get closer to performances, you should DEFINITELY come to class and be prepared to work hard. You are representing your studio and your teachers. It is not merely enough to know the choreography. You must be able to perform it with synchronicity with your fellow dancers, good technique and expression. The choreographer may have needed to tweak things here and there. If you aren't at practise then you will not know about these changes and there really isn't time for the whole class to wait while you have to be taught what you missed from the previous practise.
It is not nice as a teacher to have to tell certain students they cannot dance in a show due to lack of attendance. If you aren't able to make classes or practises, then you should be aware that you may be asked to not dance. Even better, tell your teacher you will have to pull out of the show because you can't make the rehearsals.
So please... Stress levels are high as show dates get closer. Practises become more important than ever. Go to class. Go to rehearsals. Don't be that dancer who doesn't put in the time and expects to be allowed on stage just because they want to.

What's with the cover image? These aeroplanes are not going to crash, but they certainly look like they are. That's kind of how I feel right now. It looks like we're going to crash but from a different perspective we are going to be fine.