The Bellydancing Mommy

Before I had kids it was easy. I had a part time job teaching computers at a high school. I arrived at work around 10am, left at 2pm, marked and prepped in the afternoon and danced all evening. Then the gynae said, "Congratulations, you are pregnant with twins".
Having 1 kid is challenging, having 2 is a lot more challenging. Having 2 kids and trying to maintain your business (my studio), training yourself and now this website ... pass me the wine!
When I came back to dancing after my "maternity leave", I had to bring my daughter with me. When I didn't she would cry the entire time I was gone. So she came with (Janka allowed us to bring our children with to class if we needed to. She was a very family orientated lady). She would crawl around the floor, between the mindful dancers and then want "uppy uppy". This is where baby wearing becomes very useful. If you want a really good work out, strap a 10kg baby to your tummy!

Jess posing with daughter in baby carrier

I later swapped this non-ergonomic baby carrier for a wrap which is much better for your back and babies hips (contact me if you want more information on ergonomic wraps - [email protected])

Then it became too difficult to have her with me (around 18 months). So she just had to stay home. Luckily she was a bit more okay with me leaving and only cried for 10mins.
Now, at nearly 5, she asks me everyday if I'm going to dancing and shows displeasure when I say yes, but ultimately says good bye happily.
However, I can only train when I'm at the studio or when the kids are at school (which will soon be a problem as we plan on pulling them from school and home schooling from grade 1). The moment I get down on the floor to do pilates or stretching, they are both on top of me. I try to get them to do the exercises with me, but they just climb on top of me creating a pile of Perelsons. If I put on music and start drilling or practicing a choreography, they are right there trying to hold my hands and dance or getting in my way so I trip over them.
I know I'm not the only one who has this problem. My dance partner has the same problem with her daughter. As soon as Melanie even tries to walk into the studio to dance, Rose is crying and attached to her leg. Last week, during Mel's fitness class, I spent about 70% of the class playing with Rose so Mel could teach, instead of me doing the class (daddy was late from work). I don't mind playing with Rose, she is a sweetheart and actually gives me a good work out as she loves to climb up your body and do backflips holding your hands.
Factor in all the parts of parenthood (the 24/7 job), and you have a really hard time balancing your time spent on dancing and time spent with your children (and lets not forget your hubby/partner). It's a delicate balance, there's no right or wrong answer. Each family is different. Each child has different needs. All I can say to my fellow bellydancing moms is ... I feel your pain, the struggle is real, and good luck for tomorrow.

Jess teaching with daughter

Jess posing with daughter