To Beginners

I want to let all the beginners out there know that we all felt awkward and uncomfortable when we began. I've been belly dancing for over 8 years and I still feel like a donkey trying to dance when I learn something new.
Don't get disheartened. Some learn faster than others, but it doesn't matter. You'll get there. It takes a while to accustom your body to new moves and to actually build the path ways to connect your brain and body. You are asking your body to do things it's never done before. Do you remember learning to walk? Probably not, but think about a baby learning to walk. The trial and error, the falling over, and the funny toddle they do once they are up and going. They never give up. They don't quit because they can't do it straight away.
Why do adults want to give up so easily? We are self-conscious, worried about judgement and don't have self-love. Don't hate your body for not doing what you want it to do. Nurture it and teach it. Work slowly. Nothing worthwhile comes easily, but it's definitely worthwhile. Once you master a move that you struggle with, you will feel great. As you learn more and more, you will start to love your body and will stop feeling so self-conscious. One day you'll learn to truly love your body.
In our studio we have a rule for our beginners: you may look at yourself and your teacher, no one else. We try to make our students feel comfortable to try new things and not be judged by others. No one is allowed to come and watch a class either.
There's no need to feel self-conscious or silly. Know that every beginner is learning and going through a similar struggle that you are going through. It's normal.