To the More Advanced Students

It's okay.

You don't have to become a teacher or a professional. You can stay an advanced student all your life. Beginners often say to us that they don't want to be a teacher or perform, as if they are warning us about something. We assure them they don't have to; it's completely optional.

For some reason, people tend to see the natural progression of education as you learn and progress till you can get a job or higher paying job. Education doesn't have to end in a career (and a career should never be the end of education). It can be for fun. Dance can just be for fun.

Don't feel pressurised into performing if you don't want to. Even if you are the best dancer in the studio, if you don't want to perform... don't. You dance for your own reasons and if performing is not in your heart, don't do it.

Teaching is a calling. It's not for everyone. Trust me, it's not just showing up to class and doing whatever. There is a lot of preparation and behind the scenes work that goes on. It has to be your passion to teach. If it isn't, you won't be a good teacher. And it doesn't pay much (and by much I mean you can't live off it unless you have a booming dvd/tutorial trade, travel around the world giving workshops and performing, and/or belong to a huge dance company with hundreds of students and performances every night). So if it's not what you really want to do, don't do it.

On the other hand, don't stop challenging yourself. Don't stagnate. Progression doesn't only have to happen in tiers. You can progress within your own limits. I know of dancers who have no desire to perform or teach, they just want to learn. They continue within their own boundaries and still progress in their dance. They do courses and workshops, and do research. It's their hobby. And it's okay for belly dance to be a hobby. You can be an extreme hobbiest or just something you do in the evening. Or it can be your whole life.

Find your own path.