Veil - Ashmil Yassul

I don't feel a great connection with the veil. It's beautiful when used correctly, I just haven't connected with it like I have with zills. Next year I plan to spend more time playing around with veils in hopes we can get to know each other a bit better.
There are a few things that bug me about how veils are sometimes danced with. Firstly, some dancers forget they are dancing with a veil and they just frame themselves with it, without actually using it. Secondly, others (on the other side of the spectrum) used to mask poor technique. They hide behind their veil and forget they are actually belly dancing. It's all flash and no substance.

I found this lovely piece, danced by Ashmil Yassul. I like her use of the veil, the fluidity and multi-dimensional use of it. She changes the style of veil play as the rhythm, tempo as music changes and evolves.